All latest News and Press Releases

Education and Training for Big Data Specialists

Together with the partners in the BDVe project, the paluno woking group Software Systems Engineering has set up the Big Data Value Education Hub. The platform is now part of the European Commission Pledge Viewer.

Big Data Value PPP Web Seminars

The BDVe project and the Big Data Value Association are organising a series of webinars to exchange views on approaches to developing and establishing Big Data technologies in Europe.
[Translate to Englisch:] Cloud-Edge-Architektur

Architecture for Fast 5G Networks

Pioneering work in the Software Engineering working group: It develops and tests a new platform for 5G networks. Key elements are edge servers for fast data processing close to the end device.

3rd paluno Software Technology Summit postponed

Due to the uncertain situation regarding the corona virus, we have decided to cancel the paluno Software Technology Summit planned for June 18, 2020.

Cancelled: Colloquium for Prof. Dr. Klaus Pohl

Unfortunately, we have to cancel the festive colloquium in honour of Prof. Dr. Klaus Pohl on March 19, 2020 because of the uncertain situation due to the spreading Corona virus. We did not take the decision lightly but we hope that you can appreciate the situation and apologize for any inconvenience.

Seamless Data Protection in the Computing Continuum

Computing power is in demand when more and more devices become smart. New network structures combine fog and cloud resources for this purpose. The Software Systems Engineering working group and its partners in the EU project FogProtect are looking into how data can be protected here.

Workshop on Authentication Beyond Desktops and Smartphones

The Human Computer Interaction group will offer a workshop on secure authentication at intelligent devices at the renowned "ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems".

Big Data Platform for Seaports

New EU project: the DataPorts platform will contribute to more automation by enabling new applications of artificial intelligence.

Body Reaction as Password

Forgot your password? Everyone probably knows that. Authenticating yourself by fingerprint or iris scan is a practical alternative. But biometric procedures also have disadvantages, because body characteristics cannot be changed and you show them publicly. The Software Technology Institute paluno of the UDE is researching a new approach that combines biometrics and password protection. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) over three years. ...