(c) camilo jimenez on Unsplash

Thanks to 5G: Better Emergency Care of the Severely Injured

Together with partners, Prof. Gruhn’s working group is developing a new telematics application in the 5G EURIALE project. The aim is that, based on 5G, this application will network first-aiders and emergency medical personnel with doctors in hospitals.

In order to develop North Rhine-Westphalia into the lead market for 5G, the state government has announced the 5G.NRW funding competition. With a funding amount of up to € 26 million, it supports outstanding 5G projects. Among the 13 winners is the project 5G EURIALE, in which Prof. Gruhn's Chair of Software Engineering is involved.

The project partners want to develop an application that supports the care of severely injured people. Based on the findings from the MEDUSA project, the plan is to ensure interference-free data transmission in emergency situations and to network first-aiders and emergency medical personnel via image, video, and audio data. The researchers will analyze how the care of the injured persons can be improved — for example through the use of augmented reality (AR).

The partners in this project are: Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), Dortmund; University of Duisburg-Essen; University of Münster; the Institut für Feuerwehr- und Rettungstechnologie (Institute for Fire Brigade and Rescue Technology), Dortmund; adesso mobile solutions, Dortmund.


Software Engineering, esp. Mobile Applications (SE)

Prof. Dr. Volker Gruhn
+49 201 183 7051

Software Engineering, esp. Mobile Applications (SE)

Dr. Marc Hesenius
+49 201 183 7044

Software Engineering, esp. Mobile Applications (SE)

David Schuster
+49 201 183 7046