Paul-Andrei Dragan

Auszeichnung für Paul-Andrei Dragan

Der Nachwuchswissenschaftler aus der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Pohl wurde auf der ACSOS für seine Arbeit „Towards the decentralized coordination of multiple self-adaptive systems“ mit dem Best Student Paper Award ausgezeichnet.

In seinem Paper stellt Paul-Andrei Dragan gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Metzger und Prof. Dr. Klaus Pohl den Ansatz CoADAPT vor, eine dezentrale Methode zur Koordination mehrerer selbst-adaptiver Systeme. CoADAPT ermöglicht es, in einer geteilten Umgebung Anpassungen aufeinander abzustimmen, ohne alle Anpassungsdetails miteinander teilen zu müssen. Dadurch können beispielsweise die individuellen Anpassungspräferenzen von selbst-adaptiven Systemen vertraulich bleiben, während Informationen über mögliche Anpassungskonflikte ausgetauscht werden. Dies ist u.a. zum Schutz der Privatheit in Cloud-Computing-Anwendungen nützlich.

Paul-Andrei Dragan stellte die Arbeit am 27.09.2023 auf der IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) in Toronto vor.


Paul-Andrei Dragan, Andreas Metzger, and Klaus Pohl: Towards the decentralized coordination of multiple
self-adaptive systems

When multiple self-adaptive systems share an environment and goals, they may coordinate their adaptations to avoid conflicts and satisfy their goals. There are two approaches to coordination. (1) Logically centralized, where a supervisor has complete control over the self-adaptive systems. Such an approach is infeasible when the systems have different owners or administrative domains. (2) Logically decentralized, where coordination is achieved  through direct interactions. Because the individual systems have control over the information they share, decentralized coordination accommodates multiple administrative domains. However, existing techniques do not account simultaneously for local concerns, e.g., preferences, and shared concerns, e.g., conflicts, which may lead to goals not being achieved as expected. We address this shortcoming by expressing both types of concerns within one constraint optimization problem. Our technique, CoADAPT, introduces two types of constraints: preference constraints, expressing local concerns, and consistency constraints, expressing shared concerns. At runtime, the problem is solved in a decentralized way using distributed constraint optimization algorithms. As a first step in realizing CoADAPT, we focus on the coordination of adaptation planning strategies, traditionally addressed only with centralized techniques. We show the feasibility of CoADAPT in an exemplar from cloud computing and analyze experimentally its scalability.



Software Systems Engineering (SSE)

Paul-Andrei Dragan
+49 201 18-37330